
Erlab Group

Erlab is a company that has made its name as a world leader in the production of ductless laboratory fume hoods. These are vital components of a modern laboratory, important now not just for safety, but for performance, secure weighing and protecting the environment by preventing pollutant release. And all accomplished with minimal operating costs, even taking into account filter changes. However, there is actually much more to Erlab then this. Really they are in the business of controlling laboratory airflow and quality.

Erlab, with five corporate locations and production facilities in France, North America and China, is truly a global concern with a dedicated research and development team working to address your entire laboratory air quality concerns. This means continually improving and refining their Captair range of ductless laboratory fume hoods, with proprietal Flex modular filtration technology, to ensure that whatever your liquid or powder handling needs you can work with complete confidence.

However, controlling laboratory air quality also has lead to the development of products like the CaptairStore range of vented filtering storage cabinets. After all there is no point in being safe while you work, if you are not safe at work, and chemical flasks and bottles are a constant source of potentially harmful odours. Plus a ductless chemical storage cabinet does not release pollutants into the atmosphere and purifies the ambient laboratory air at the same time.

For chemicals that need to be stored in a fireproof cabinet Erlab produce ChemTrap, a stand-alone filtration system that permits the combination of fire protection and the elimination of noxious vapours. Air quality is not all about inorganics though, which is why Erlab produce the CaptairPyramid – a portable isolation chamber for the transport and investigation of biological samples. This glove box is inflated with compressed air to allow investigation in an inert atmosphere in a variety of locations.

For more stringent laboratory work, particularly preparation for PCR and related techniques, Erlab have designed the CaptairBio range. These cabinets contain an UV light for decontamination between preps and a HEPA H14 filter that is over 99.995% effective at trapping particles over 0.3 microns in size.

Ever conscious of ensuring the continued functionality of their products, Erlab’s Asura department can oversee the installation and maintenance of your equipment to further guarantee your safety. Asura is also the name that you need to remember for replacement filters. The activated carbon filtering technology developed by Erlab is now available for a wide range of other makes of ductless fumehoods and vented chemical stores.