
Bruker AXS GmbH

Bruker AXS is an operating company of the Bruker Corporation. Bruker has been providing scientific instruments and solutions for a broad spectrum of analytical tasks since 1960. It currently employs more than 4,000 employees at 90 locations on every continent.

Systems that rely on X-rays for elemental analysis, materials research and structural investigations are at the heart of business at Bruker AXS. And they have been ever since the company was first formed in 1997 following acquisition of the global rights to Siemens Analytical X-ray Systems.

Bruker AXS is now the worldwide leading supplier of advanced X ray diffraction solutions, x-ray fluorescent spectrometers including handheld devices, X-ray microanalysis, and biological and chemical crystallography.

The company also provides optical emission spectrometry products, combustion analysers, atomic force and scanning probe microscopes, confocal microscopes, stylus and white light interferometric profilers.

The number and breadth of ways Bruker AXS helps customers make technological advances in their field is staggering. Portable µ-XRF spectrometers have been used to analyse unique and valuable art objects. In the cement industry, wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers undertake process and quality control. While the use of raman microscopy in forensics has led to the identification of crime scene evidence.

Bruker AXS is headquartered in a high tech facility in Madison, Wisconsin. Additional offices can be found in more than 30 countries including in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, as well as Australia and New Zealand. This means that customers are never very far from a Bruker AXS representative, giving a global company a very local feel.

The Co-President of Bruker AXS is Dr Frank Burgäzy.

Bruker AXS has achieved ISO 9001 accreditation.